- a type of一种类型的…;
- A load off my mind从我脑海中消失
- a hue and cryn.通缉令,叫喊声,喧哗;
- a horde of一群人
- a great deal of大量的;许多;
- a certain degree到某种程度;
- a blessing in disguise因祸得福;塞翁失马;焉知非福;有益的痛苦经验;
- a change of heartn.改变主意,变心,弃邪归正;心回意转;
- come to a solution得出解答;
- come to a head时机成熟,濒临危急关头;炉火纯青;
- come to a halt停下来;打住;停步不前;
- catch a glimpse ofv.瞥见;窥见;
- eat like a horsev.吃得多;
- jump to a conclusion冒然断定,过早下结论;
- get a handle on控制;
- have a one-track mind有一个单一轨道的想法
- in a rage一怒之下;气冲冲;怒冲冲;
- more than a little非常;十分;
- make it a rule定为常规;
- make a fuss大惊小怪;大做文章;
- 双语例句
Pretty good with a can opener.
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